This was one of my very first sliders I wanted to make.
But at the time I did not had the knowledge to continue, so I've scrapped this idea out.
Now I returned in trying again, and this time I was able to, thanks for the help of CMar.
Without her help you would never seen these! CMar, can never thank you enough, you are awesome! ッ
Well, these are a set of sliders that controls the eyeballs (Iris + Pupil).
First of all, these are not just sliders, you see, in order to be able to make these I had to replace EA meshes with a custom mesh instead.
So I had to make a mesh but with a different edge orientation which you can see in the mesh comparison picture.
If you are a modder try not to use the vertex ID range mentioned in this post.
And also, if you could provide me with different ones, so I would not use either.
5 sliders in total, 4 to edit the eye pupil, 1 to edit the iris.
I tried my best to make the GEOM slider work well with each other, and they do!
But don't use high amounts on the slider, or else it will mess the vertex placement.
I made also, included with these, two sliders that help to fix/maintain shapes (pupil height scale and pupil width).
I was so annoyed, with TS3 have many freedom on things, EA doesn't make interesting stuff.
Well, apart from that Magic book, which I loved! XD
But I actually got this idea from eyes seen in TS2, like teru eyes, for example, there is some that is cat-looking (pupil slit).
In TS3 to make such, creators would need to make those eyes in the texture itself instead.
But having these sliders you can create all sort of looks with eyes.
Anyways, consider these sliders in beta stage.
Not everything is perfect, so I might be fixing/correcting them while I get more time.
Also, the sliders are set to children/toddler, but I did not replaced their meshes yet.
Because I couldn't find their meshes on the game packages.
I will be posting the UVWs later, for creators that make eyes, so they can make it fully compatible with these sliders.
All current eyes textures work very well with it though, assuming they are based on EA's original proportion.
I hope you like these, and if you can, leave some feedback of the usage, very important in order to improve! ッ
Sorry for writing a lot, but I like to make things clear.
And I hope YOU READ IT ALL! Thanks and make good use of it!
But at the time I did not had the knowledge to continue, so I've scrapped this idea out.
Now I returned in trying again, and this time I was able to, thanks for the help of CMar.
Without her help you would never seen these! CMar, can never thank you enough, you are awesome! ッ
Well, these are a set of sliders that controls the eyeballs (Iris + Pupil).
First of all, these are not just sliders, you see, in order to be able to make these I had to replace EA meshes with a custom mesh instead.
So I had to make a mesh but with a different edge orientation which you can see in the mesh comparison picture.
If you are a modder try not to use the vertex ID range mentioned in this post.
And also, if you could provide me with different ones, so I would not use either.
5 sliders in total, 4 to edit the eye pupil, 1 to edit the iris.
I tried my best to make the GEOM slider work well with each other, and they do!
But don't use high amounts on the slider, or else it will mess the vertex placement.
I made also, included with these, two sliders that help to fix/maintain shapes (pupil height scale and pupil width).
I was so annoyed, with TS3 have many freedom on things, EA doesn't make interesting stuff.
Well, apart from that Magic book, which I loved! XD
But I actually got this idea from eyes seen in TS2, like teru eyes, for example, there is some that is cat-looking (pupil slit).
In TS3 to make such, creators would need to make those eyes in the texture itself instead.
But having these sliders you can create all sort of looks with eyes.
Anyways, consider these sliders in beta stage.
Not everything is perfect, so I might be fixing/correcting them while I get more time.
Also, the sliders are set to children/toddler, but I did not replaced their meshes yet.
Because I couldn't find their meshes on the game packages.
I will be posting the UVWs later, for creators that make eyes, so they can make it fully compatible with these sliders.
All current eyes textures work very well with it though, assuming they are based on EA's original proportion.
I hope you like these, and if you can, leave some feedback of the usage, very important in order to improve! ッ
Sorry for writing a lot, but I like to make things clear.
And I hope YOU READ IT ALL! Thanks and make good use of it!
X-Axis accurate now. (slight cross-eye fix)
If you downloaded Pupil Shapes edits you will have to update them as well.
If you find any problems, let me know and I will see what I can do. Thanks!
Filename: |
aWT_HACK_GEOMSLIDER_EyeballIrisSize aWT_HACK_GEOMSLIDER_EyeballPupilDilate aWT_HACK_GEOMSLIDER_EyeballPupilSlit aWT_HACK_GEOMSLIDER_EyeballPupilHeightScale aWT_HACK_GEOMSLIDER_EyeballPupilWidth |
Credits: | General Credits
Wes Howe GEOM Plugins CMarNYC MorphMaker + MeshComments & Shader |
Location: | { Eyes > Global } |
Mesh: |
P++#001 - Render + 3D Mesh Statistics - UVW Template (to be uploaded)
Edits: | Pupil Shapes
(Modders) | |
VertexIDs: | range=[50.000; 50.288]

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»This is really brilliant :D
Thanks aWT for providing this amazing slider ^^
Excellent work! Thank you sooo much aWT!!!
Thank you darling, will definitely be using this and give you a review <3
This is so amazing! Never thought such thing would ever be possible! THANK YOU!
Could also tell me where can I get your model's eye?? They are gorgeous! :)
I can't wait to try out all the different eyes I can make! Thanks aWT!
This is amazing! Incredible!
Does it work with contacts?
My jaw dropped...and now I can't close it!
This is pure AWESOME!
Your creative mind is constantly working, we owe you so much gratitude and respect! Really, time and effort you spent should be acknowledged!
You just made me wanna create again!
To be honest your nose slider soften me a bit but this time I'm positively sure : I'll find time to create again!
Amazing! O.O Thank you so much! And the eye graphic itself is really lovely.
Love this O_o
This looks really good in game and you can really see the difference, even before messing around with the sliders. No more looking around for tiny eyes. It is a lot of fun to play around with too. Thank you.
Do you EVER cease to amaze me??? God!
Oh don't make me love you even more than I already do~
Oh my this is brilliant! Thanks so much.(too bad that right now I'm in my iPod I will dowload it later in my pc :D)
Wow! This is seriously amazing. You always make the most creative sliders. Do you realize that you are EXTREMELY talented? You are exceptionally well at mods!
I'm flabbergasted. I'm going to test it out as soon as I can. Thank you!
Really brilliant!!!!!! Thank you so much!
Flajko said...
My jaw dropped...and now I can't close it! This is pure AWESOME!
Your creative mind is constantly working, we owe you so much gratitude and respect! Really, time and effort you spent should be acknowledged!
I HAD to second this. It bears repeating. Major props in the gratitude and respect department. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. A million thank yous' for yet another amazing addition to my game.
this is perfect <3 thanks
It's such an amazing slider, and very useful too!
You little geek hahaha
Thanks for sharing your sliders, as they make the game so fancy haha
I LOVE this so much, but I've encountered a little problem.
My sims eyes are clipping a bit, no matter the size or shape.
It's just in the outer corner though.
Report of some issues I've encountered when testing this. It seems it's mainly a mesh issue.
1."Right focus".
I've tested this out with multiple sims, teens and young adults. The result is the same and they always seem to look a bit to the right. Here's some pictures with different contacts and default eyes just so you see it's not a case-by-case problem.
2. Weird reflective black eyes (case-by-case issue)
This is something that happened only to two of my contacts so far. The one shown here is "Hello Asian" by Twilight.
The thing that happens is that what's supposed to be the dark areas of the eye, such as the pupil, has a shade of gray, seemingly because of some kind of overlay. It never happened until the eyeball mesh has been modified. This is a big issue for me since it makes the eyes look matte instead of moist and reflective.
Here's a picture of how it originally looks like (with your HQ mod):
Although it's not as noticeable when playing in-game, at some angle you can clearly see that the light reflects strangely on the eye and gives it an unusual shade.
If that's not enough, here are comparison with eyes that DOESN'T have that strange shade. I set all the colors to pitch black.
-Default eyes:
-Your latest contacts:
-"Hello Asian" contacts:
These are awesome, thanks ^^
Like megshush mentioned, I noticed the eye whites clipping, and the "right focus" thing that Mura mentioned. I don't know much about this sort of thing, but it may be related. The eye whites only seem to clip on the Sim's right eye, and the eyes seem to be shifted to the right some. Example of the clipping:
I noticed some other things that I'm guessing the new mesh is doing, but it probably doesn't matter terribly much or might have been intentional. Like how the iris (but apparently not the pupils) starts off smaller with the sliders in than without them in (and that's without using the sliders). And how the eye texture reflects differently than EA's eyes, which probably really isn't an issue for most people... I just noticed because of the eye whites I'm using. Just to show since I have the examples...
Woah! Thanks a lot everyone for the comments and feedback!
Much appreciated! ッ
These sliders should work with default replacements as well contacts, because they are a facial overlay, so the engine only apply the texture overlay over the mesh.
The clipping problem, that is only present in the right eye?
However that and the focus problem can be easily fixed by re positioning the meshes more accurately and carefully.
As for that second problem Mura mentioned, while it happens to only a certain contacts is unclear to me, however I downloaded them and I will be trying them as well.
My guess is that it is due to the shader used.
As CMar told me, EA doesn't allow the original Eye shader to be morphed (used with GEOM sliders).
So we had to replace the shaders with different ones.
In this one, we used the Skin Shader.
You may've noticed, those tiny white dot balls on the eyes are not present in my replacement because of that, the shader.
And for the person above, the eye white thing, that can be due to my mesh UV.
As it's a different mesh, I had to build a new UV, but trying to match EA's. Seems like it doesn't.
That is just the case of scaling down some UV v-points.
Those will be fixed in my next release as well.
Mura, could you tell me what was the other contact that had that grey overlay over the eyes?
These contacts you sent by Twilight, they replace not only the eyes, but as well the eye area, like to add an eyeliner.
If that is related, I have to test it still, it can be possible that is the fault of such thing, because of the shader replacement, perhaps.
If possible, try posting the contacts/replacements used in the pictures (anon above), so it is easier to fix the UV problem. ッ
Small report:
I have tested Twilight's contacts, now I can confirm it is not a problem with my mesh, but a problem with how the contact package was generated.
I generated a new package using Twilight's textures and that white glow was gone.
> comparison picture
With the new package, if you look at the dark shade on the eye you can see better.
Why this is caused, I have absolutely no idea!
Perhaps that package was linking to a different base specular and it wasn't present in EA's mesh due to the eye shader;
Now, I will try to make the eyeball orientation symmetric, I hope to get it done asap.
Thanks for looking into it so fast! After I wake up I'll search for the second contact that does the same thing.
I will also look into other contacts that I use which has those "custom eye area". I remember trying some others that have those "painted-on eyelashes" on the eye and they still looked fine, so my guess is, just like you confirmed it, the way Twilight used her texture.
I'll be right back after a few hours of sleep!
No hurries!
By the way, that is not Twilight's fault for certain.
Not even the fact that it has a "custom eyeliner" within the texture.
The problem could be due to the way the package was generated, or that it is linking a different specular (which does not affect EA original shader).
You can easily "fix" it using CTU though. ッ
Oh, the eyes on the previews are by teru, available at GameSir.
"If possible, try posting the contacts/replacements used in the pictures (anon above), so it is easier to fix the UV problem. ッ"
Well, they're not actually posted anywhere yet... I was testing them right after I had put your sliders in. That's why I noticed those things, since I was looking so closely at the eyes. If they would help you out, I can upload the test contacts used in those screens to MediaFire.
The second contact that did the same thing is also by Twilight. It's the "Unholy" contacts.
I have no knowledge of CTU, let alone know what it is. I'll see if I can find a tutorial and what that "fix" is exactly.
Thanks anon, that would certain be of help!
Mura, those contacts were also fixed by regenerating the package somehow.
I can not upload for public as they are not mine. Send me an email regarding it, that is really easy to "fix". ッ
Wow! I never thought this was even possible... you are really incredible! Thank you so much for your amazing and creative mods!!!
Now I'm really curious what you'll do next :)
"Thanks anon, that would certain be of help!"
Alrighty. Here they are then (hopefully they will actually help you out :P):
Anonymous, thank you! It certainly helped.
Was interesting actually, because my UV was flipped, but actually in a right position, while EA mesh isn't...
But I tried to match the original anyways.
> picture
My mesh on top, EA's at bottom.
(I was horrified when I saw what they did with the eyes, they are not even a circle with their mesh...)
I have updated the files again, flipped the UV to match EA's and tried to route the iris more at center;
Which I think right eye might still need just a need of tweaking, but let me know if you test it.
I moved the right eye a bit, I hope it fixed the clipping some people were encountering.
I actually had none with my sims however...
Simlicious thank you! I am about to upload some things, hope you like them too. ッ
I don't know about other simmers but I would like for females to have the same oriented UV maps!! I don't like that only females by EA defaults have mirrored UV maps! The fake reflection many contacts have looks bad since it's mirrored, it's kind of unnatural!
I don't know have you noticed but by EA defaults males have the same oriented UV maps (textures aren't mirrored in relation to the nose!) and that's perfect eye imitation!
That's why I would appreciate the same thing with female UV map!
OMG! You are a beastly, CC-genius. Your sliders are just.... one of the absolute greatest things I've ever downloaded in my game! Even with all the sliders I have, your sliders are like that extra 'BAMF' needed to create even more awesome sims. EA should be mailing you a check.
Now I have to remake my Wesker-sim.
Thank you for creating this.
This is awesome, but it seems to cancel out the eyeshine when a sim becomes a vampire. :( Thank you for your hard work!
I just tested out the updated mesh for the eyes. It is indeed an improvement and the eyes aren't focusing a bit towards their left. However, it seems that, especially with smaller irises (unchanged slider), the sim is SLIGHTLY cross-eyed. It's a small thing, but since eyes are such a big feature of a person, it was easily noticeable for me.
I'll test it out with different contacts just to be sure, and maybe come back with a few pictures.
Flajko, indeed, WM reported same thing to me regarding female eyes, they are different from the others due to the mirrored UV.
Erica, you are very welcome! Good luck with your Wesker.
I just killed him yesterday, again!
And I will be waiting patiently for EA's check! ...!
Akasha, I completely forgot about that...
Unfortunately can't fix it due to the shader...
Mura, yes, I did noticed it too, I need to edit again.
But now, I am very lazy to do that. ha.
It's a pain to get it into symmetry I tell you.
No worries! I just wanted to let you know in case you haven't noticed.
Thanks for the update. I have actually gone back to your first post of these sliders. Some reason, even though i deteted all the cache files and worldcaches the update wouldn't work for me, sliders move but did nothing. Anyway i like the first set so i am using them.
I think i forgot to include the MSH LODO eyeball file.
When is the final product going to be available? Just so I don't keep having to update it in my games..
From what I've seen, you'll have to wait for a long time if you want a FINAL product because this is quite a complex mod. aWT is still looking for feedback and will probably attempt on fixing and improving it with time, when he has the time to put his mind into it of course, which is a good thing.
So either you keep on updating the mod when updates are available, or not use it at all.
link pls for teru's eye. thanks for the slider.
Well, Anonymous, you will never see a FINAL product, as much because this isn't a product. Just to remind you this is just something I do on my free time when I feel like creating something for the game;
The rest, I quote Mura's words. ッ
Well, I updated again to fix the X-axis, I don't see any more edits regarding that though.
Hopefully last thing now is to see if can find a way around the shader, which most likely can't due to EA defaults...
As for the eyes, just so you don't get confused, the mesh renders is from my own texture, only the sim pictures are teru textures.
> Teru Eyes @ GameSir Thread
I cannot wait to try this out!
Thank you so much for all your hard work. :D
This is an absolutely extraordinary set of sliders! What a wonderful idea!
Would you consider adding a slider that acts as the pupil width slider does, but to height? It would make giving Sims tall slit pupils possible with the sliders.
Regardless, I love these.
I can't wait for more. Thank you so much.
@Anon two posts above: Though it hasn't been shown in the preview pictures, the slider in the pack called "aWT_HACK_GEOMSLIDER_EyeballPupilHeightScale" changes the height. =)
I have no idea how I missed that in CAS. Thanks for pointing it out :)
Thanks for your hard work in creating these incredibly useful sliders!
It looks like this doesn't work with my default replacement whites. Instead of the semi-realistic look mine have, I'm getting whites that look more like the original ones from EA. Did you design this to work that way, or is something else going on? I can get in-game example pictures if you need.
thank you, Aikea if you can provide pictures it would be of most help.
The difference between this mesh replacement and EA is, besides the edges orientation, the shader.
Which can be mostly the cause of why it looks different.
EA doesn't allow meshes with the EyeShader to morph, so instead its being used the SkinShader which allows morphing.
If you could provide me the texture, I could test it with other shaders, and if you have pictures of how it was looking like I could base myself as well.
I'm not sure if you're aware of this yet or not, but the new mesh disables the vampire eye shine effect. Great job though; I really enjoy all of your sliders!
could you please upload those eyes for me? i can't get it from gamesir as i don't know how to register at it. :(
Anonymous, I can't as they are not mine to do that, also that teru policy does allow to reupload his files in other hosts.
I LOVE everything you create! You remind me of the kind of person who talks rarely but when you do talk, you are SO worth listening too. I relate that directly to your creations as they are always worth the download, install and SAVE to favorites! Thank you so much!
I have to agree with you, Summer. He's the most modest, talented person I know. He always helps me out with my creations too. I love having him in the Sims community, he's wonderful <3 (Wow I sound like an in love fan girl lol!!!)
Oh dear, thank you so much, both of you!
You are too kind, it makes me very happy to hear your words. ♥。◕‿◕
Is it a matter of shaders that causes these eye not to work right with ghosts? I don't mind missing vampire eye shine, but ghosts without eyes are kind of creepy.
I love them for my non-ghost Sims!
I'm a bit late to the game on these sliders, but WOW! These are truly brilliant! I will watch for any updates you make (if there are any more) and update accordingly. The work you put in is absolutely appreciated! Thank you so much for your ingenuity, time & effort!
Hi I dont think the sliders are compatible with showtime :(
The EA sliders dont work when you have other sliders installed :(
The download button is screwy. It leads me to a site that says you have to give out your information before you can download. New link please?
Hi. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I install your mod the eyes actually disappear.Not sure why as I used to use it with no problems. Just wondering if it's a patch problem or if I have clashing CC somewhere.
Hi. Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but when I install your mod the eyes actually disappear.Not sure why as I used to use it with no problems. Just wondering if it's a patch problem or if I have clashing CC somewhere.
Having the same problem as Sara (I think) :P
No eyes are there, just pitch black. Any suggestions?
I love these, srsly it's boring without them but I have to remove them. My Aliens eyes become bugged with these (they appear as normal sims eyes not completely black as aliens should have)
If you update these I'd really love it <3
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the link don´t work...............
download is private...ooooooohhhhhh
Nao dá alguem me ajude!!!!!!!!!
re they still available somewhere?
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You should find a new hosting site, because Mediafire says its an invalid file. ):
When I tried to download your file I got this message..
Invalid or Deleted File.
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire.
Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance.
I found this, and almost started dancing with joy. It's amazing! THANK YOU! However, the link seems to be broken! :'( Can you please fix it????!!! HELP!!!
All aWT sliders can be downloaded here:
I like it but the only problem is tha, yes, it makes the pupil larger but my sims look kinda weird and their eyes looked so strange that I wanted to get them back to the way that they were originally.. BUT I couldn't. It stopped working all of a sudden so now I can't do anything. The slider basically doesn't work.
Hi there's a problem with your download link, mediafire removed it, just letting you know...
The link does not work! :(
Is there a way to change the pupil on just one eye only???
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I think it might have been mentioned already, but these do cancel out the eye glow for vampires. Otherwise they are very nice.
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Hi but theses no longer work under mediafire
this does not work for mediafire . please reupload ! :(
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please reupload.
It seems that awt is about to reupload his sliders soon, but we don't know when.
Thank god, Leefish has already reuploaded the sliders here!
Leefish is truly a life saver!
For anyone who is still loving sim 3 lol
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