

Slider Set: "Jawline" + "Brow Depth"

  Phew, finally some time to play on sim things!
Weel, I had these for a while, and just lazy to make pics to upload, but here they are guys. XD
These were requested on my email, actually just the height one, but I ended up doing 3. More control...

The Jawline Soften is GEOM-based and while it acts like heiret original Chin to Neck Slider, they focus more on the width of the vertices below the jawline, to make it more natural.
So you can use it together with heiret original for better results.

The Jawline Rotate one can create a really.. interesting.. look on the jaw viewing through front view, you should try around.

I forgot to upload the brow one, here it is.. XD
The brow depth one is meant to be used with the Forehead Depth for better results on the forehead look.
That one I wanted to make a long time ago, but finally I can get it over with it.
However, I think that a GEOM could be used along in its negatives.
I will see if I can replace that. If so I will update that with GEOM as well.

Hope you can put it to good use on your sims! ッ  
Filename: awtmk-TS3-HACK_BONESLIDER_Jaw-JawlineHeight

Credits: General Credits
Wes Howe GEOM Plugins
CMarNYC MorphMaker

Location: { Face > Global & Jaw }
{ Eyes > Global }



Sackgirl said...

Wow theses are great and that sim looks so sexy for the new improvements. You always come up with the best sliders to enhance our sims. Thank you.

B.o.S Sims said...

Thanks aWT ^^ You're the best slider maker in Sims 3 :)
still wait for brow inner width slider XD

chobits said...

This is insane!!! Thank you so much for this definitely downloading and make me some sims!!!

Shay said...

Great! anything to do with jaw is really needed, Thanks aWT!

BlackSweety said...

You rock! Thanks for this!

Scepter said...

These are wonderful. I have been waiting for jawline sliders for the longest time. Thank you so much!

Bury Kot said...

Thanks! It's exactly I need.

Jada said...

#aWT, I must say you are the best creators for TS3. You are above awesome.

girgiriye said...

How do you manage to work them all without disabling the other sliders? I have only Ambitions installed as an expansion pack. Is it the problem or what?

#MK said...

Woah, thank you all so much!
Makes me really glad to read your comments. :)

#MK said...

OH, I forgot reply. XD

Maximum, that brow inner one might take more time, I could do it bone-based, but I think GEOM is better, since the eyebrows is part of that area.. I will have to try them both.

girgiriye, you need a slider hack that allow more slider slots, there is 3 for TS3 I think;
Twallan's MasterController, I think he said his allow more sliders to default, and I really recommend his because you can change the settings ingame like slider amount, but it is not core, so you only see changes while ingame using his CAS Edit;

There is also CMar oneson ModTheSims, which includes more tattoo locations as well.
And one here on my blog, that is more focused on vanilla slider hack to allow more sliders and/or increase ranges.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is awesome. However, I've been trying to download the whole night and couldn't. Could you please upload this in mediafire or any other sharing site?

B.o.S Sims said...

@aWT : Thanks aWT :D Whenever it takes, i will wait patiently XD

Anonymous said...

aWT I love your work! It's incredible ^^

...But I have a problem: everytime I try to download the jawline sliders I only get an empty .7z :(

Anonymous said...

Thank you aWT! :3
These sliders are amazing.

Dondon said...

Fantastic work.
But could you share with us through another media, as the links you kindly provided doesn't seem too be working that greatly.

Jeremy said...

thank you thank you thank you very very much! :D
No my favorite sims have beautiful chins! Thank you so much for sharing!

#MK said...

Thank you guys!! :)

As for the links, I put direct links of the site, can you see if you can download it?

Michael N. said...

I love all of your sliders. They are perfect. I use them to make my friends look-alike Sims. The problem is that whenever I use the links you provide, they give me some sort of exception error. I guess I'll go without these ones for a while. =(

#MK said...

RainbowSplash1, ohh that is unfortunate... :(
Can you tell me what error is your are having that shows on your screen?
It should work...

Michael N. said...

"Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" this is what shows in plain text. I guess it could be something I did... idk.

Pralinesims said...

Thank you so much for new unique slider! I can't use them because my game is crashing when i installed slider. (it's not your fault! But i still have to thank you for these slider!

GhettoMetal said...

I've been trying to download this for the past week. For some reason it says the file is corrupted. I use the Alzip to open downloads, and everything else has been opening just fine. Will this be available on another file hosting site? I've been dying to download it, it's such great work.

V@llichan :3 said...

Yay, at least I can make good-looking noses for males, to. Thanks to these and the septum sliders.
I love you, man. <3
Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

These are extremely good, thank you!

Hernesto said...

Hi. I've tried downloading this slides for few days but whenever i open the file it says that it is corrupted and there is nothing inside. :(

Eating_Cookies said...

I would suggest no clicking the download link my computer just got attacked Norton kept on flashing up saying high alert!

Alicexin said...

Wow... это же охриненно!!!! thanx a lot, я давно ждала такие слайдеры)

Executive_Fangirl said...

Hey #aWT, why dont you share them through mediafire. Many of us are having trouble downloading them. Whenever your free.
BTW, Awesome works your got here. Im loving your meshes and sliders. :)

Anonymous said...

cant download :(

Anonymous said...

cant download too :(

Anonymous said...

somehow the website hosting your download link seems to be locked off or something, so I can't really download these two artworks... which makes me sad TT^TT

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sad, I desperately need to download your jaw and lip sliders and just can't. They are fantastic for my celeb sims which I upload to MTS. Please can you fix the links. Thank you.Audrey

Anonymous said...

you should make a mirror link because the links you provided aren't working. try using mediafire or somthing easy?

Muzzow said...

the provided links for the jawline and brow depth slider aren't working, please, please fix the uploads again. T_T

Anonymous said...

after many tries to get on your site (it totally freezes my internet up and i have to open all of it again) i downloaded your brow sliders but for some reason when i tried to download your jawline sliders, when i get to the adfly page and then click to go to the download it takes me basically back to this site and the screen is just white, i tried to repeat the process but it never worked. nevertheless, i love all your sliders and hopefully one day i will also have this great addition. i just thought you would like to know. thank you so much for all of your creations and hard work :)

Taissa said...

Looks awesome, too bad I can't download :/. Is there a mirror or something for this?

Anonymous said...

I can't download these either - and am afraid that the Sim I just downloaded and fell in love with won't be as beautiful without using these sliders

Tess said...

Hello :) Not working for me too, but everything else even on adf does.. And I badly need it, we all do :D If you have some spare time, please try to do something with it. I'd be really thankful :)
And sorry for my english :D

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I really need those jawline sliders. Has anyone been able to download them?

devilishoblivion said...

:( Great sliders, but can't download them!

Anonymous said...

Is any one who did download it willing to share please ?

Anonymous said...

Sliders from this page are up here. Hope that's okay.

Anonymous said...

it still don't work. :(

Anonymous said...

@House That Jack Built, then you're doing it wrong because it works fine for me.

Anonymous said...

after i click the download bar it take's me to a Adf.ly add page. then i click on skip ad. then i just get a blank screen. can anyone post a direct link to the downloand page please.

Re Maron said...

Nice job!!! I love it! Thanks!! XD

#MK said...

Sorry guys, I put new links now.

Tanyuu said...

Thanks for coming back. Too many good creators have been chased away by those who see this fandom as a good way to make a quick buck, or people who don't realize the only way this game survives is through the community behind it.

Domino said...

I hope you see this, but could you please reupload the jawline slider? My anti-virus keeps forbidding me from downloading it saying it is dangerous. :/

Unknown said...

Could you please reupload the jawline slider? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

When I click in the download link it says it was removed for violation of blablabla... could you please re upload it? Your slider is great by the way!

Anonymous said...

could you please please please reupload the jawline slider?

Unknown said...

*bawls like a baby*
I've been lookin' for the jaw sliders for ages!

Anonymous said...

Yup, Jawline sliders were scratched by Mediafire. I'd like to have them too.

Australorp said...

:( Removed for violation. :(

DarkWitchVampire said...

Does it work with 1.36 patch?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I've only just found this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Right, sorry to be a pain but these jawline sliders have been removed, and I just HAVE to have them.

Could someone who's downloaded these please kindly put up a new link? Thanks x

Anonymous said...


get the jawline sliders here, the last one on the list.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! And Thanks Anon!I was heartbroken when I thought I couldn't get the jawline.

Anonymous said...

As others have noted, Jawline slider download link is down due to a "Copyright claim" from CBS Corporation. (LOL WTF, CBS =/= EA, also EA permits non-commercial hacks/modifications)

I think maybe naming the .rar files "HACK" is getting your files taken down.

Anonymous said...

The Jawline link is not working any more, please replace it!!! Thank You!

Anonymous said...

^ http://mktm.co.uk/uploads/sliders/
last one on the list.

Anonymous said...

@ http://mktm.co.uk link thank you!

Anonymous said...

Is what I was looking for precisely this. I was able to finally arrive.
Thank you very much for the great work!
I would also like to thank URL.

From Japan.



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Aline said...

I can't download, the link is broken. Can you please fix it?

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Wow, lots of spam in the comments now. The download links for the sliders don't work - once you skip past the ads, it says the files have been taken down. Maybe you should use a different upload service.

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The link for the Brow Depth slider is broken. Can you put that back up? I could really use it.

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