This was a great change of layout, the old one was from Blogger and I didn't modified it at all.
So, I'm glad to come up with this one. I've tried my best to keep my goals in browser cross-compatibility rules.
Like the "zoom" effect when hovering pictures, or a smooth gradient over CSS styled buttons.
Or even the amazing border radius we have in ALL browsers, EXCEPT on ... yes ...
I think my hate for Internet Explorer is just as obvious as of any person who make Web Design.
Meanwhile, I've updated my banner in case you want to link me.
Also working on some tools for modders and casual users, but I want to stay secretive about them.
Since they are still in develop stage.
Poll Results
What you think of the new layout?
49 (44%)
Good. |
32 (29%)
Meh! |
18 (16%)
Change it back!
10 (9%)
Total Votes: 109
LOL. I'm so loving that little smilie that's lovin up on the firefox logo. Too cute. I'm firefox all the way. I'm shocked people still use IE... but you know too each his own.
Ha-ha! I had that icon ages in my MSN.
Always loved it, because it expresses myself just right.
I used to use IE a long time ago, at that time it's limitations didn't bothered me.
But once a friend recommended Firefox, and I came to adapt myself to it, that love just grow bigger and bigger with so little time. XD
Ó, I didn't vote :S
BUT! Your site is AWESOME! ;)
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