

Resource: Muscle/Breast Slider Textures

With the launch of Late Night, EA introduced a new slider which controls the muscle tone and the breast size.

It resumes to an texture overlay on body, in which the slider control it's opacity.
Since it's just a texture overlay I tried to find the texture files in which they are based to.
And here are the textures of them, found in DeltaBuild2.
(Hover the images for description)

amBodyCutness (DDS File)
Type & Group & Instance: 0x00B2D882 0x00000000 0xA28B589500895C8F

afBodyCutness (DDS File)
Type & Group & Instance: 0x00B2D882 0x00000000 0x86DB95357084C4E2

afBodyCleavage (DDS File)
Type & Group & Instance: 0x00B2D882 0x00000000 0x6731C72E72BABDF3