

s3lc (Language Changer) v1.0.1.13

Project: ts3tools Description: Change The Sims 3 Game Language through registry operations.
Objective: Change the game language easily.

Preview GUI (Graphical User Interface)

This application is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
By using or modifying this application, you are and must agree with its terms.

General Credits
Jonha - SKU Values
SimsWiki - Locales

.NET Framework v2.0 | Or grab the latest 4.0
Operational System: Windows XP | Vista | 7
High-Privilege Account (Administrator Rights)

Extract the executable with WinRar or 7Zip
Run the executable to change the default language.
Otherwise the settings will be saved at the close of the program.

Change Log
   - Improved flow while Populating Flags
   - Added New Languages
   - Chinese (China)
   - Chinese (Taiwan)
   - Spanish (Europe)
   - Spanish (Latin America)

   - Languages auto-load by SKU
   - Implemented Update Check (SVN)
   - Moved Settings ROOT
   - Added New Setting:
   - Check for Updates

   - Fixed Language Name (Danish)

   - First Build


#MK said...

Update: v1.0.1.0 Available

#MK said...

Update: v1.0.1.13 Available

Anonymous said...

Thank you soooo much for this! now i don't have to uninstalled my game just to change the Lang! HUGS!!!!

Leo B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Doesnt work...all languages is OK, but Czech doesnt work...nice

mcshuxea said...

r5a13e1x37 e6e49v2p75 h6y47z8v60 g1a25s7i27 h1p52k2p04 m0o16t5e91